Discover college tips for neuro-diverse students: from Disability Services to campus culture. #Neurodiversity #CollegeSuccess ...more
My Life Tutors Can Help Colleges and Universities Support their Neurodiverse or underprepared populations of students. ,What is Neurodiversity? my life tutors can help colleges and universities support their neurodiverse Neurodiversity Education and Inclusivity Education and Learning Differences Education, specifically focusing on College Life and Personal Growth Education Mental Health and Wellness &Inclusive Holidays and Neurodiversity
July 01, 2024•2 min read
You may have heard or seen the word thrown around in different literature or social circles over the years, but what exactly is Neurodiversity?? ...more
What is Neurodiversity?
July 29, 2022•1 min read
Hours of Operation: M-F 10 am - 5 pm EST
Other times by appointment.
Windsor Mill, MD 21244
Serving the Continental United States
Windsor Mill, MD 21244
Serving the Continental United States
#ADHD #Autism #neurodivergent
#LifeCoach #ADHDCoach #CollegeTutor #RetentionServices #ExtendedOrientationProvider #ADHDMentor #ASDMentor #LearningDifferencesCoach #CollegeTutor